
The Role of School Governors

The role of the governors is to oversee the management of the school. The members of the governing body are drawn from parents, staff and the wider community. The skills and expertise of the individuals are used to the full in their roles within the governing body.

The Governors can be contacted via email or via the school office 01293 886521.
Roles and Responsibilities
Our Governing Body consist of 12 people – represented by parents, staff (including the Headteacher), community (coopted governors) and local authority – their role is to ensure that the School meets its statutory, legal and moral duties. However, the day to day management and decisions are the responsibility of the Headteacher.

The Chair of Governors and Vice-Chair of Governors are also elected annually. 

Governors main responsibilities are:
  • Agreeing the aims of the school, and approving/setting policies and objectives
  • Approving/monitoring the budget
  • To determine pay scales/levels of all staff
  • Supporting, and challenging, the Headteacher and staff
  • Interviewing/appointing staff and related pay issues
  • Reviewing/evaluating progress and standards
  • Reporting assessments and results
  • Quality of education and the provision of an appropriate curriculum
  • Ensuring that a performance management policy is established in the school and keeping this under review;
  • Ethos and discipline